At the end of the day, the hearts still need love.
It got beaten, hurt, and injured because of it...
But then it gets up, and start looking again. For love.
I guess love is to heart as caffeine is to the body (well, at least my body).
It just won't work without it.
Although heart knows that love wasn't entirely give it nourishment it needed and often come back to it to cause harms, still it will be the first thing they look for in the morning. Much alike of caffeine.
Sure, it didn't give a long-term benefit, in fact, there are probably more side-effect than benefit. But the kick it feels from it, the warm feeling juices up from it - much like caffeine - it makes heart goes for it. No matter how many time it says to itself to stay away from it.
I almost puke when I wrote this, so it has to be true...