Monday, September 14, 2015

My Sky-blue Caffeine.

Melihat langit luas terbentang, aku terfikir, apa guna adanya penyesalan?

Penyesalan merupakan satu pengalaman, darinya kita belajar memperbaik diri. Namun pengalaman tidak datang dengan sendiri, dan kebanyakan masanya, ia diiringi dengan kesilapan.

Pengalaman mendewasakan kita, namun persoalannya, apakah itu kedewasaan? Dan kenapakah penting kita mencapainya?

Pada aku, hidup tidak mungkin tanpa penyesalan. Dan kesilapan biasanya akan diulangi. Cuma kita perlulah sedar yang ia seiring dengan pengajaran. Dengan pengajaran itulah kita menghindari mengulangi kesilapan yang sama. Aku rasa inilah kedewasaan.

Semua orang akan merasai penyesalan. Namun, janganlah sampai anda menyesal atas penyesalan tersebut.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

My Unknown Caffeine.

Weird when listening all of these romantic or semi-romantic songs, it's remind me of you...

...I just don't know who are you yet!

Are we ever gonna meet?
Am I missed you already?
Is my chance already up?
Am I never gonna be worthy?
Is it how it is supposed to be?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Accidental Caffeine

What does everything means,

When nothing means anything anymore?

My Poisonous Caffeine

Looking for love, in all the wrong places...

For someone who don't really believe in love, I do find myself fell into it quite often.

Noticed that I wrote 'fell', not 'be' ?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Love-less Caffeine

Have I told you lately that I love you?

Coz if I have, then I probably doesn't mean it at all...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Caffeine Romance [2nd Installment] - Nothing New, Getting Old.

At the end of the day, the hearts still need love.

It got beaten, hurt, and injured because of it...

But then it gets up, and start looking again. For love.

I guess love is to heart as caffeine is to the body (well, at least my body).

It just won't work without it.

Although heart knows that love wasn't entirely give it nourishment it needed and often come back to it to cause harms, still it will be the first thing they look for in the morning. Much alike of caffeine.

Sure, it didn't give a long-term benefit, in fact, there are probably more side-effect than benefit. But the kick it feels from it, the warm feeling juices up from it - much like caffeine - it makes heart goes for it. No matter how many time it says to itself to stay away from it.

I almost puke when I wrote this, so it has to be true...